Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Irony: A healthy breakfast for certain Alaskan Politicians...

Goody goody goody! Gov. Palin's so crazy there's no way I could possibly have to worry about her phenomenal policies turning me into a closet republican...though she does make the occasional punditry amusing.

Who in their right mind would call for the fairly elected senator Mark Begich to step down simply because the Bush Admin's admitedly awesome (haha) justice dept. failed to make a good case against his predecessor, the mummified, calcified wing-nut known as Ted Stevens.

Side Note: Dear Ted Stevens: You are one lucky old man. Please retire and do not speak to the press. Foreign nations are watching. India and SE Asia are already taking our jobs (good bye factories, IT and hookers) and China is already trying to kill our old people by poisoning our dog food- we don't need any more nations wishing for our demise to think we are stupid enough to fall for this crap.
-A citizen for the promotion of ACTUAL American intelligence

So while I sit back and have a good chuckle at her expense, the implications of crazy people in Alaskan politics actually affecting the policy down here in the lower 48 are starting to emerge...like the idea that Gov. Palin could entertain the idea of a presidential bid...to which Sen. John McCain says..."She doesn't get my automatic vote." Ouch. How's that for a ringing endorsment.

I don't mind if she runs...she won't win. But I just have the tinyest issue with someone who has a fundamental lack of understanding with regard to irony being involved with American politics, where if anything is true, its that you get yours...maybe she should sign up for lessons with Alanis Morrissette.

Irony- Its like rain on your wedding day, or a green light when you are already late...its some good advice that you just can't take...its like teaching your daughter to wait to have sex when she's already knocked up? It's like being anti-abortion but then brutally chasing down pregnant momma wolves with airplanes and shooting them from the sky when they have no protection and are endangered elsewhere? Now you are getting it. Its like banning books in your hometown library and then accusing the media of controlling your image and the information available about you?

Irony is exactly the kind of thing that someone in power should have a good grasp on, because irony is in essence the way that the world decides to screw with you when you have gone against the world. Ask Pres. George W. (crack head alcoholic declaring war on drugs?), Pres. Bill Clinton (forced to accout and take responsibility for his actions, then pardoned 376 people for theirs?) and Sen. Larry Craig (passed anti-gay legislation before propositioning men for sex in an airport bathroom?) Yeah- I think a healthy sense of irony is necessary in American politics.


  1. Maggie, as "A citizen for the promotion of ACTUAL American intelligence" you should be made aware that it's GOV. Palin, not MS. Palin. Just as it's PRESIDENT Obama, not MR. Obama.

    - JP

  2. You are correct Ill change it immediately- you will have to pardon the fact that I wrote this in about 10 minutes with no intention of being grammatically or titularly correct.
